Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

More November Candid Photos




Classroom 16! A Special Place to Be, Indeed!


Daniela and her Chief Translator, Christopher, interact during a computer-based partner activity.


Students researching and exploring knowledge, enhanced by the easy-to-access visualizations a computer can bring into the Classroom learning.


Hailey shares with Milracle what she found in her research and exploration.


Alison shares her vocabulary-sentence work from Tuesday night's Homework.


Jade discusses her achievement on the Gymnastic competition circuit!


Jade responds to a question from an amazed classmate.


Jurnee shares her vocabulary-sentence work from Tuesday night's Homework.


Arlrely captured in a moment of thought.


The Class Photographer for the week experiments with a photographic trick.


The Computer provides easy-to-access enhancement to learning. Here in the midst of a Lesson on the origins of the 15th and 16th Centruy Empires that colonized North, Central, and South America, students orient themselves in relation to Europe.


Mr. Stathis makes a point in a Lesson in which the reading Lesson Story intertwines with what the class was also studying in History; ie: the California Gold Rush of 1849.


Mr. Stathis measures all the students to explore their Growth later in the year.


Students respectfully in class discussion with their Teacher.


Jade, as this week's Classroom Duty of Computer Researcher, shares her Research with the class.


Mr. Stathis elaborates on what Jade has found-out.


Students gain from one another's knoweldge.


Adela stands in the back behind her seat to read loud today's "Morning Message" from the whiteboard.


Arely getting ready to share her Story from Thursday night's homework creative writing.


For students newly immigrated and thus new to the English Language, Mr. Stathis designed and built this interactive language development board.


Mr. Stathis's "Moveable Alphabet" based on the materials invented by Maria Montessori.


Students engage in expressive elocution of Patrick Henry's famous "Give me Liberty or Give me Death" speech, the cross-over between History lessons and Reading, Speaking, and Listening Skill development.


"The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave!"


"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?


Forbid it, Almighty God!


I know not what course others may take, but as for me,


Give me Liberty or Give me Death!"


At special moments of particularly great achievement, students get a chance "To Catch the Dollar!" a dollar made into a paper airplane is thrown, if they catch it, they win it!


Jerome eyeing the flying dollar!